



结婚对戒如果被称为情侣之间的誓言,那么订婚钻戒就是情人的郑重誓言。恋爱双方将来为婚姻许下的诺言,就是在这份爱的誓言中。男孩给女孩送上订婚钻戒的那一刻,就表达了”我会照顾你一辈子”的终生承诺。戴这个戒指,女孩将为她的婚姻生活做好准备。而 这个纯洁而浪漫的时刻将是所有恋人最美好的回忆之一。


一般说来,订婚钻戒的预算可能从2 500美元到6 000美元不等。价格因戒指的材质和您选择的钻石质量而异,此外,良赋成都钻戒定制体验店提供有各种不同大小和级别的GIA钻石供您选择,如果你有任何具体的想法,我们将根据您的要求推荐最佳组合。


由于每枚订婚戒指都是为您全新定制和制作,我们建议您在计划求婚前 1 个月到门店咨询,确定您的订婚戒指。然而,由于我们部分款式需要在日本制造,根据款式的不同,有时可能需要比预期更长的时间。如果你没有足够的时间做你的计划,别担心!我们也许能够加快制作您的戒指的流程,或提供替代解决方案,因此请随时咨询我们您可能提出的任何问题!


STEP 1 Choose Ring Design 选择款式

If you do not have any ideas when it comes to choosing your Engagement Ring, we would like to offer some guidelines!

― Representative 3 Designs ―
直臂设计 Ring bands that are straight, a classic popular design.

Straight Design

V型戒臂设计 Ring bands that has a slight curve towards the base of the finger, like a V or U shape.

V-shaped Design

扭臂设计 Ring bands designed to be asymmetrical, like a horizontal letter S.

S-shaped Design

These three types are representative designs and classified as straight, V-shaped and S-shaped. The impression when wearing each will change delicately, then VENUS TEARS staff in charge will explain to you about each feature in details.

― Some Specific Designs ―
  • 永恒戒 Eternity Type
    带有副石 With side melee diamonds

    Gorgeous Type


In addition to the 3 representative designs such as straight, V-shaped and S-shaped, the way melee diamonds are set also bring about different personality of each ring. Eternity design expresses “eternal love“ by setting all same sized diamonds for half or full band of the ring. There are also other designs with some side diamonds which highlights the main diamond, or Gorgeous designs using diamonds luxuriously.

STEP 2 Choose Main Diamond 选择钻石

Diamonds are chosen based on the standards called “4C“, which refers to Carat, Color, Clarity, Cut. Let us move on to selecting the most important aspect of your Engagement Ring.

Carat (Ct)

Measurements of a Diamond’s Carat is based on its weight. A metric Carat is defined as 200 milligrams (0.2 grams).
Each carat can be subdivided into 100 point, which allows very precise measurements. For Diamonds below 1 Carat, a jeweller may describe its weight by ‘points’ alone. For example, the jeweller may refer to a Diamond that weighs 0.25 Carats as a ‘twenty-five pointer.’Diamonds above 1 Carat are expressed in carats and decimals. For example, the jeweller may refer to a Diamond that weighs 1.08 Carat as ‘one point oh eight carats’.

With the condition of all else being equal, a Diamond’s price increases in accordance to its Carat, because larger Diamonds are much rarer and therefore more desirable. However, 2 Diamonds of equal Carat can have very different values (and prices) depending on 3 other factors of the Diamond’s 4C.



GIA’s Color-Grading Scale for diamonds has been used as an industry standard. The scale begins with the letter D, representing colorless, and continues with increasing presence of color to the letter Z, which is light yellow or brown. Each letter grade has a defined range of color appearance. Diamonds are color-graded by comparing them to stones of known colors under controlled lighting and precise viewing conditions.

Many of these color distinctions are so subtle that it will appear invisible to the untrained eye. But these slight differences makes a very big difference in Diamond Quality and Price.



Natural Diamonds are formed under extreme high temperatures as well as pressure deep within the earth. This results in a variety of internal characteristics called Inclusions and external characteristics called blemishes.

A Diamond of Clarity“VS1” and “SI2” may look the same in untrained eyes. Clarity is Graded under standard viewing conditions with 10x magnification.

No inclusions or blemishes are visible to a skilled grader using 10× magnification

No inclusions and only blemishes are visible to a skilled grader using 10× magnification

Inclusions are present but hardly visible to a skilled grader using 10× magnification

Inclusions are present and range from hardly visible – visible to a skilled grader using 10x magnification

Inclusions are present and very noticeable to a skilled grader using 10x magnification

Inclusions are present and very obvious to a skilled grader using 10× magnification and may affect transparency and brilliance

During a Diamond’s natural formation, virtually all Diamonds contains small imperfections. Flawless {FL} refers to Diamonds that are completely without such imperfections.



Diamonds are renowned for its ability to transmit light and intense sparkle.
Beauty and Value of a Diamond is highly dependent on its Cutting. It is said that a Diamond’s Cut is the most complicated and toughest part in judging a Diamond’s 4C.
For Round Brilliant Cuts, GIA grades Diamonds based on these 3 optical features:

Brightness: Amount of Internal and External white light reflected.

Fire: Scattering of white light into colors of the rainbow.

Scintillation: Amount and Intensity of sparkles a Diamond can produce.

A Diamond’s Cut Grade is further sub-divided into 3 categories, where the design and craftsmanship is taken into account.

Cut: The Diamond’s weight relative to its diameter, and its girdle thickness, which affects its durability.

Symmetry: The symmetry of its facet arrangement.

Polish: The quality of polish on the Diamond’s facets.

In a Perfect Cut Diamond, 8 distinct arrows can be seen when looked though the loupe from a top down view, and 8 hearts from a bottom up view.


Key-Terms to know when buying Engagement Ring 求婚戒指相关术语

Straight Design Ring bands that are straight, a classic popular design.
V-shaped Design Ring bands that has a slight curve towards the base of the finger, like a V or U shape.
S-shaped Design Ring bands designed to be asymmetrical, like a horizontal letter S.
Claws For holding and setting diamonds. Depending on the number of claws, the ring may look very different. The most common are 4-claws or 6-claws.
Solitaire Engagement Rings with only one main diamond at the center.
Platinum(Pt) A precious metal with a melting point of 1769°C , which is extremely high for precious metal. This precious metal is the most durable for pressure and long-term use. It has a silver appearance, much like white gold.
White Gold(WG) Gold whitened by alloying with other silver metals such as Palladium and Nickel.
Rose Gold(RG) Gold alloyed with Silver and Copper, giving it a Rosy-Bronze appearance.
Inclusion Small crystals or substances trapped in a Diamond during its formation, resulting in inclusions. Irregularities in a Diamond’s atomic structure may also result in inclusions.
Melee Diamond Polished small diamonds lesser than 0.2 carat, placed alongside the main diamond.
Loose Diamond Diamonds which are not yet set into a ring.
Round Brilliant Cut The best cutting technique for bringing out the maximum brilliance from diamonds.
Certificate It is graded by a gem appraiser. Venus Tears carries diamonds with certificates from the GIA institution, which is known as a worldwide standard.
Hearts & Cupid Also known as Hearts & Arrows, for the most ideal Round Brilliant Cut Diamonds, 8 arrows may be seen from the top-down view and 8 hearts from the bottom-up view. Hearts & Cupid refers to diamonds with such ideal cutting.
Triple Excellent(3EX) The highest grade for diamond cutting ratio in terms of proportion, polish and symmetry.

Concept Store


成都 · 水璟唐店

中国 · 成都 · 锦官驿街1号水璟唐6栋8号

No.8 Building 6, Jinguanyi St. No.1, Chengdu City, China.


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